Your event has been created and you want to start registering your attendees. You need to define the types of participants your event needs. For example: Employees, members, press, VIP etc.
We recommend simplicity. Eventtia offers you a default participant type called " Participant". You can customize it and create more if you need to: define specific registration forms, practice different prices or afterwards, segment your communication into several groups for example.
The steps to creating types of participants are:
Step 1:
- Go to the "Registration" module.
- Click on the "Types" heading. You will find a default attendee type (Participants) which you can edit by clicking on its card.

- You can also create a new type of Attendee by clicking the "Actions" button at the top right-hand side of the screen, then on "New".
Step 2:
- Complete / edit your type of participant’s data:
- Name: (Ex: Members, Non-members, VIP, students ...).
- Price: (If your event is paying, make sure you have set VAT on the general settings of the event).
- Limit of participants: If you do not want to limit the capacity for this type of participants, leave the "Attendee limit" box at 0.

- Configure the restrictions for the attendee type, by selecting from the list of options.

Step 3:
- You can then access advanced settings that will allow you to define specific rules for each type of participant. Texts of each subtab tell their purpose:
*Note: "Badge" and "Security access" are only relevant to in-person events.