How to set up the leads module for your attendees?

We understand the importance of networking during an event. That is why we have a "leads" module for your attendees. This will help them make connections and save their contacts for after the event. In this article we show you how to set it up

Step 1

  • Go the Virtual Stage module and click on the "Virtual Stage Settings"

Step 2

  • Go to the "Modules" tab
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Step 3

  • Look for the "My Leads" module and click on the blue pencil to edit

Step 4

  • Enable the module, select the Participant Types you want this module to be available for and then click "Save"

Step 5

  • Make sure you have the "Attendees & Networking" module enabled and the "Chat" option available for all the participant types you want the "Leads" module to be available for

  • Make sure you have the "Chat" module enabled

For an in-person event the module is going to be available inside the Mobile App click here to see how it works , for virtual events on the Virtual Stage click here to see how it works

Now you know how to set up the leads module for your participants