How to check in your participant to a specific activity - check in app

For in-person and hybrid events you should use Eventtia's check in app to manage the check in of participants. In this article we are going to show you how you can manage the check in for participants to specific activities on your event

Step 1.


Step 2.

  • Log in using your Eventtia user’s credentials


Warning: If you have more than 4 failed attempts to login, the app will block your account and you will have to wait 15 minutes to be able to login again.

Step 3.

  • Look for your current event

Step 4.

  • Once inside you will see the current statistics for your event 's check in

Step 5.

  • Click on the burger menu to find the checkpoints and activities options

Step 6.

  • Find the list of activities with available registration, click on the activity to check in your participants


Step 7.

  • You will see the list of "pending" and "checked in" participants, you can check them in clicking on the camera to scan their QR or simply on the "plus" button

Important note: For you to be able to check in participants to specific activities you will need to allow registration to your activities and have the participants registered for the activities.

Here's the article on how to do this

You can download a report showing you who checked in on an specific activity, here's how you do it :

Step 1.

  • You should go to the Program module and then "activities"

Step 2.

  • Click on the activity you wish to obtain the report from

Step 3.

  • Once inside click on the "participants" tab and then "advanced options"

Step 4.

  • From the advanced options select the filters you need and make sure you select the option "checked-in at selected workshop" You must select this option to obtain the correct report, then click search

Step 5.

  • You can download the report to an excel file by clicking on the button "export to excel"

That's it! Now you know how to check in your participants to your activities on a hybrid and in person event and how to obtain the report.