How to create a new event

Here are the steps to follow in order to create a new event with Eventtia:

Step 1.

  • Go to the Eventtia homepage and sign in with your email and password: 

Step 2.

  • To create a new event, click on the "Actions" button located on the upper-right corner of the screen, and then select "New."

Step 3.

You will see two different sections. The first one is your Event Basic Information. This is the general information of your event with several mandatory fields you will need to fill in:

  • Name of your event

  • Start/End date & time

  • Attendance mode (virtual, hybrid or in-person)
  • Country, where you will be able to choose the country, region & city where your event will take place. (This information will be mentioned in all communications sent from the platform on in-person events)

  • Logo & Banner, to identify your event 

  • Language used for your event

  • Event website, in order to customize your event's URL

  • Location, where you can mention the precise place of your event. 

  • Description of your event, if you want to include further details 

  • Venue capacity : defines the maximum number of participants available for your event and automatically limits registrations once this number is reached

Important note: If you want to include some Keywords for your participants to find your event quicker on Internet Search Engines you should write them down on the Description of your event

  • Sender name, which is the contact from which all messages will be sent from the platform

  • Sender email, which is the email address associated with your sender name

You will notice a section on the right-hand side of the page, which are the Event modules. This section allows you to activate/deactivate the different modules that will be used in your event. For example, if you’re selling stands, then you should use the "Exhibitors" module, or if you are hosting a B2B networking, you should have the "Networking" field checked.

capture-Jan-14-2025-09-43-44-8372-AMOnce these fields are filled and checked, you will move on to the "Settings" tab:

In this tab, you will be able to fill in other useful general information for your event, such as:

  • The measuring system used

  • Time & date format according to your geographical area

  • 2 types of Google tracking codes

  • Currency & VAT % used for your event. Note that as soon as an attendee has registered for your event, this information cannot be modified

You can also see:

  • The "Internal notes and description" section, which allows you to add notes that cannot be seen by attendees, only by other users who have access to the event. 
  • The different payment platforms that can be integrated into Eventtia, such as Stripe, PayU & PayPal. Read this article about it


Step 4.

  • Once you have created your event, you will be able to find it in the "Current" tab of the "Existing" events section on your event dashboard.

  • If you need to make changes on your event's Basic Information you will have to go into the event and then click on the pencil right under your event's logo

  • You can also see any events which have already taken place in the "Past" tab.

Step 5.

  • Finally, in the "Global Dashboard" tab, you will be able to see the statistics for all the events in your account, with information about payments, registration and more.

We hope this article was useful.

Feel free to contact Eventtia's help desk if you need further assistance.