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How to set up our Event Widget in your own website (outside Eventtia)

In this article we will show you how you can set up our Event's Widget inside your own website created outside Eventtia

Step 1:

For you to be able to integrate your event's widget on your website you should insert a  tag script at the end of the page.

Script example:

Notes: The ID attribute is required and must have the value: "ev-script". To be able to show the widget properly on mobile version it is mandatory to add the METATAG in the principal element's page

Step 2 : 

The script needs that the following html tags are stablished on the website for the widget to be rendered:

Estos tamaños de etiquetas limitarán el tamaño y la forma del widget, las etiquetas permiten al cliente actualizar según tus necesidades.

Step 3 : 

Attributes to personalize the widget

  • (Mandatory) data-ev-api-key: API Key that will be used for the events
  • (Mandatory) data-title:  Customized title
  • data-description:  Widget description
  • data-accent-color:  color that will be used 
  • data-lang:  At the moment it supports en, es, and fr for English, Spanish, and French.

Step 4 : 

Attributes which should not be modified:

These attributes must remain as they are for the widget to work correctly

  • scr: Widget font
  • id:  The ID attribute is required and must have the value "ev-script". This attribute will link the font code with the div elements related. 


Now you know how to set up the Event Widget :) 

Please keep in mind that for the Website created in Eventtia the attributes to customize the widget are added differently, please consult the following article for more information: 

How to set up the Events Widget from your website composer