You can create a questionnaire by going to the "Survey" module (see image below).

The steps for creating a survey are as follows:
- Go to the "Surveys" module.
- Click on the green "New" button at the top right-hand corner of the screen to create a new survey.
- Name your survey (Required).
- Add a small description (optional).
- Choose one or more type(s) of participant(s).
- Activate survey by clicking "Save" (It is best to select this option once the survey is ready to be released).

- Once saved, you will find your Survey on the main page of the module. You will then be able to see the status of your survey (Active or Inactive) and the number of responses collected.
- You can then edit the survey, or copy or delete it, by clicking on its card, and then on the three dots in the top right corner.

Once you have created the general parameters of your survey, you can access the "Questions" tab. This will allow you to build the questionnaire itself.
- Click on the "Question" tab and then on the green "Add new question" button.
- Indicate the "Field Name" (the question to ask)
- Then choose the "Type", (the answer mode you want to apply to the question):
- Text field
- Text area
- Dropdown list
- Multiple selection
- Label
- Single selection
- Rate
- If you choose "Dropdown list", "Multiple selection", or "Single selection", enter the values (i.e. the different answer options). Remember to separate values by commas. Example: YES, NO, Maybe. This field will not appear for types that do not require suggested answers (Text Field, Text Box).
- You can tick the field as "Required" so that the question cannot be avoided.
- "Save" and repeat as many times as necessary.

Once your questionnaire has at least one question, a "Statistics" tab appears, giving you access to the results of each question (in percentage).
This information will only be generated when at least one response is received.
To download the Survey report go to the three dots and then "Download Survey Results". You can also view results on a new page, download file downloads log, delete, showcase, see the ranking of participants or reset the survey.