Having a complete picture of what's going on during your event can be difficult, especially when you do not have centralized information.
Imagine this scenario: You just launched your event website and registrations are coming in slowly. What do you do? You can request a report from the Marketing team to see how the launch campaign went, or perhaps to see if they can send you the number of website visits.
This can take a while and will force you to rely on others to get the information you need, and most importantly, to take steps to boost the performance of your event. On your event dashboard, you can easily check your event's progress in terms of registration, payment collection, website visits and more. Check out these highlights:
The first section will help you identify the registration behavior, allowing you to see real-time payment updates, website visits and scheduled meetings (if your event has networking meetings.)
It will also allow you to visualize how you are doing in terms of your payment collection goal through a dynamic graph, as well as the type of audience with the highest registration rate.