How to set up a Q&A session for your event?

Having a Q&A session is important so your participants can actively share their questions during your event. In this article you are going to learn how to do it

Step 1

  • Go the Virtual Stage module and click on the "Q&A sessions" option

Step 2

  • Click on the "Create a new session" button

Step 3

Fill out the General Information for your session

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  • Name
  • Description
  • The specific Workshop you want this Q&A available for
  • Select the attendee types 
  • Enable the session
  • Choose whether you want your Q&A to be moderated or not 

When you choose the Q&A to be moderated, the questions from your participants will not appear unless you approve them

  • Enable anonymous questions

This option removes the name of the participant from the answers

Step 4

Now you have to activate the Q&A module on the Virtual Stage or Mobile App of your event so the participants can send their questions to the speakers during the event

  • Go to "Virtual Stage Settings"

  • Now click on the "Modules" Tab

  • Look for the "Q&A sessions" module and click on the "edit pencil"

  • Enable the module and clic "save"


  • Now your participants will be able to access the module from the Virtual Stage on a virtual event or from the Mobile App on in-person events and submit their questions

Step 5

Go back to Eventtia's backend to manage your questions

  • Go to the "Questions" tab to view the questions submitted by your participants
  • Click on the three dots next to each question to "Delete" it or "Set Answered"

Step 6

Go to the "Actions" button to see the following options

    • Click "Showcase" to visualize your Q&A session live, you can share your screen so the participants can see the questions submitted by other participants

    • "Export to Excel" to download an excel file with all the questions submitted during your event
    • Click on "Reset" to erase all questions and start over

    Step 7

    • If you wish to create a new session go back to the Q&A session module and click on "New"


    That's it! Now you know hoy to set up a Q&A session for your participants!